2024 NAIOP Year in Review

2024 NAIOP Year in Review
From developers, investors, and owners, to architects, attorneys, brokers, engineers, and other CRE professionals, NAIOP is commercial real estate! We have the people, knowledge, and education to help you find connections, stay ahead of the curve, and make deals happen. NAIOP membership is the best investment you can make for your commercial real estate career. 2024 was no different for us.
2024 Highlights
Check out a few program highlights here!
- Connect- NAIOP is the premier network of commercial real estate professionals in Wisconsin and across North America. Our Wisconsin chapter is proud to showcase the below stats for 2024.
- 420+ active members
- 30 CRE industry events
- 1,800+ engaged attendees
- Advocate- NAIOP is a powerful voice at the local, state and federal levels, working to protect your business.
- Implementation of the CORE PAC President's Club
- By-Right Development: New laws require local governments to approve workforce housing projects that meet zoning requirements. If local governments fail to act, developers can go directly to court for approval.
- Limiting NIMBY Disruptions: Prevented legal challenges to local development approvals unless direct harm can be shown.
- Workforce Housing Financing: Secured $525 million in financing for workforce housing development.
- Local Regulatory Reform: Local governments must engage in regulatory reform to qualify for the workforce housing loan program.
- Resolved Land Title Issues: Addressed legal disputes over lands that were once lakebeds or riverways enabling development to move forward without litigation.
- Shared Revenue Increase: Secured a 30% increase in shared revenue to municipalities supporting local economic growth.
- TIF Law Protection: Successfully blocked attempts to weaken Tax Increment Financing (TIF) laws which are vital for development.
- Learn- NAIOP is focused on providing industry professionals with the tools to grow and advance in their careers.
- 50+ Developing Leader All Star Candidates- record number!
- 100+ on-demand courses
- Mentor and mentee offerings with industry professionals and students
- Lead- NAIOP Members help shape the direction of the Wisconsin chapter and the industry.
- Developed a diversity task force
- Achieved record application for the MKE CRE summer high school immersion program with Marquette University
- Sustained active mentor-mentee relationships with industry professionals and students
Check out a few program highlights here!
A special thank you to our annual and event sponsors, our board of directors, our committees and our wonderful members. Continue to lead and be seen by nominating a peer of yourself to receive one of our chapter awards. Learn more and nominate here today before the December 18th deadline!
On behalf of the NAIOP Wisconsin team- thank you and here's to another great year!