New Member Spotlight- Grant Zwiefelhofer, Kapur & Associates, Inc.

New Member Spotlight- Grant Zwiefelhofer, Kapur & Associates, Inc.
Name/Title/Company: Grant Zwiefelhofer / Geologist / Kapur & Associates, Inc.
How long you have been in the Commercial Real Estate industry: I have been in the CRE industry for less than a year.
Which project or professional accomplishment are you most proud of?: I recently passed the Practice of Geology Exam, and will obtain my PG license.
How are you involved or would like to be more involved in NAIOP Wisconsin?: I'm interested in discussing environmental hurdles during property development, and how those can be efficiently navigated.
Tell us about your family: I am getting married this June, so my family is just beginning.
Who is your favorite author?: Either Stephen King or Arthur C. Clarke.
What music are you listening to, and first and last concert you attended?: I love music and there really isn't a genre I don't listen to. My first concert was Kansas, and my most recent concert is King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.
What's your favorite book?: Either The Stand by Stephen King or Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein.
What's something about you most people don't know?: I grew up in the jump rope capital of the world (Bloomer, WI).
Favorite county or state park?: Devil's Lake State Park.
How do you find a moment of peace to calm or center yourself?: I like to go on runs without music. That's my time I'm able to self-reflect.